Monday, June 3, 2019

The Prado aircond motor dies

A broken AC motor fix by Mr ZZ

Mr ZZ had his Prado aircond motor dead recently. Driving in Malaysia and not having the aircond working can be a horrible experience especially if you are stuck in a traffic jam. The heat inside the car can become very unbearable and winding down the windows won’t do much to help either.

Note: This is article is to just to share Mr ZZ’s personal experience with regards to his failed AC fan of his Toyota Prado 90 series. This is not a professional advice.

We douln't find a specific video on Prado aircond motor. However, we did find several Youtube videos on how to maintain your AC working as it should be. The above is our favorite. Part of it does tell us how to spot a failed/ broken AC motor, specifically from 35 seconds to 1minute 40 seconds. Obviously a failed AC fan can lead to other more serious issues (than just excessive sweat!). The rest of the video is helpful too.

As in the case of Mr ZZ, he felt his Prado’s AC wasn’t cold when the car was idling. Hence, he checked to find the AC fan not working. He unassembled the entire fan unit on his own, brought it to a car AC shop to get the motor replaced. Job done all at about RM100.

The location of the AC fan in another member's 1997 Prado 90

Mr ZZ found that the old motor has also been changed in the past by the car’s previous owner

This is perhaps the original Denso fan motor

The newly install fan motor on Mr ZZ's AC fan
The newly installed fan motor is a local OEM made motor. The original fan would probably be made by Denso and cost twice as much (or more). Some would claim that the local OEM motors are just as good as the Denso. Well, we shall let Mr ZZ find out and share with us how the OEM motor works.
If you are looking for a replacement for your Prado 90s AC fan motor in Malaysia, look up Lazada and search for "denso cooling fan motor" or similar variations with keyword 'denso motor'.

If you have comments, suggestions or information to share about this or other Toyota Prado related topics, feel free to drop us a note on the comment section.


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