Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Finishing up self-repair of the Prado 90 series multi meter Part 2 (end)

toyota 90 lcd screen
A clean Prado 90 multi meter LCD screen
The last part of Mr KG’s self-repair of the Prado 90 series multi meter involves pasting the new polarized films on BOTH sides of the glass panel (LCD screen). Click here if you have missed the first part of restoring a degraded Prado 90 series multi meter. Putting on the polarized films needs to be done correctly to make sure you get the right contrast.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Restoring a degraded Prado 90 series multi meter; Part 1

Repaired Toyota Prado 90 multi meter
A functioning 3 eyed multi meter completes the Land Cruiser 90 dashboard
Restoring a degraded Prado 90 series multi meter will not only save you money but it will also bring back that ‘complete’ feeling to the car’s dashboard. A three eyed functioning multi meter will bring glory back to the dash as one member of the Prado group once remarked. The following is the process of restoring a 1997 Prado 90 series as described by Mr KG.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Toyota Prado 90s multi meter

prado 90 multi meter
KG’s multi display meter after self-repair. It is doable!
The Toyota Prado 90s multi meter display is obsolete today, considering we now have new gadgets like handheld GPS and smart phones. Nevertheless, the console stares at you each time you sit in the car and it is something that will bug you eventually. The easiest solution to this is either to have it replaced or permanently removed. The latter is out of the question to most Prado enthusiasts. Hence, you either get it replaced with a new or used unit. OR, you can always try to fix it.


Monday, June 3, 2019

The Prado aircond motor dies

A broken AC motor fix by Mr ZZ

Mr ZZ had his Prado aircond motor dead recently. Driving in Malaysia and not having the aircond working can be a horrible experience especially if you are stuck in a traffic jam. The heat inside the car can become very unbearable and winding down the windows won’t do much to help either.

Note: This is article is to just to share Mr ZZ’s personal experience with regards to his failed AC fan of his Toyota Prado 90 series. This is not a professional advice.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Apa nak buat bila suhu kereta tinggi?

Suhu tinggi kereta boleh mengundang pelbagai masalah lain
Suhu kereta naik tinggi, satu-satunya masalah yang paling digeruni oleh pemilik kereta. Ini kerana masalah suhu kereta tinggi boleh membawa kepada masalah yang lebih besar seperti kerosakan hos (akibat tekanan dan suhu terlalu tinggi), cylinder head, gasket dan malah juga kecairan komponen lain pada bahagiian enjin. Kereta Toyota Prado siri 90 pun boleh menjadi mangsa masalah ini. Dalam chat group baru-baru ni, sahabat Al Ghazali berkongsi cara beliau 'mengubati' masalah suhu kereta tinggi Prado beliau.

PERINGATAN: setiap masalah kereta mungkin ada lebih dari satu punca dan semua cadangan yang dikemukakan dalam blog ini hanyalah berdasarkan pengalaman dan pendapat yang dikumpul dari kawan-kawan. Keputusan muktamad di tangan anda.